Privacy Statement
Pursuant to Article 13 of European Regulation No. 679 of 2016 (the “Privacy Regulation”), Neuncinetru SRL intends to inform you and all users and/or visitors to the website is (respectively the “Users” and the “Website”), regarding the use of personal data, log files and cookies collected through the Website.
1. Data Controller, Data Processors and Data Protection Officer
The Data Controller is Neuncinetru SRL, with registered office at Rachitasi 68 street – Constanta (CT) – Romania, Comercial Registration no. J 13 / 3152 / 2007 , Fiscal Code RO 22421353 , Cont Code IBAN: RO77 INGB 0000 9999 0203 6913, telephone +40 790 510 818, email: (hereinafter, the “Data Controller”).
The Data Protection Officer (pursuant to Art. 37 of the Data Protection Regulation) may be contacted at the following email: (hereinafter, the “DPO”).
The updated list of appointed Data Processors is available upon request by the data subject and/or Users.
2. Information collected automatically by the website – Cookies
a) Information collected automatically
Like all websites, our Website also uses log files in which information is stored that is collected in an automated fashion during your visits. In fact, the information systems and software procedures which perform the functions of the website automatically acquire, during their operation, some information, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
The following information is collected:
• Internet Protocol (IP) address or the domain name of the device you are using;
• type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the website;
• the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested or the method used to submit the request to the server;
• the name of the Internet service provider (ISP);
• date and time of visit;
• the user’s source (referral) and exit web page;
• the number of any clicks;
• the size of the file obtained in response;
• the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.);
• other parameters related to your device’s operating system and digital environment.
This information is processed in an automated fashion and collected exclusively in aggregate form for the purpose of verifying the correct operation of the Website.
b) Cookies
Cookies are used on the website. Cookies are text files stored on digital support that allow a few parameters and data to be recorded, communicated to the digital system through the browser you use. These instruments therefore allow an analysis of your habits in using the website for various purposes: execution of digital authentication, session monitoring, storage of information on specific configurations concerning the users who access the server, memorisation of preferences, etc.
While browsing the Website, you may also receive cookies on your terminal that are sent from different websites or web servers (hereinafter referred to as “Third Parties”).
A list of cookies located on the website, updated and divided by type, is available through the Cookiebot platform integrated in the management of the website
3. The personal data that you provide while using the website: why do we process them
When you use the Website, we use your data to allow you to receive, via e-mail or traditional contact methods (telephone, SMS, etc.), any updates regarding all our promotional and marketing initiatives, including direct ones, therein including, by way of example, information regarding the latest collections, events and advertising campaigns organised by the Data Controller, (the “Newsletter”); the registration will take place by means of “double opt-in” and therefore with a registration confirmation by the data subject. Marketing consent, where required, is always optional and free and will allow you to send reserved promotions, offers and reserved discounts (subject to optional, free and specific consent). In accordance with the guidelines of the European Committee for Data Protection (Ex Wp-29), marketing consent extends to the sending of advertising material, direct sales, the completion of market and customer satisfaction surveys.
Your data is processed to:
1. fulfil legal obligations;
2. carry out the technical management of the Website;
3. send newsletters and promotional communications (including direct marketing with prior consent)
4. activate the warranty on the product purchased and all the purposes related to the management of this service
5. answer requests from website users, forwarded to the specific contact page, and provide assistance where required.
6. allow the user to register on the website.
The data processing for the above purposes will be carried out in accordance with the Privacy Code, the Privacy Regulation and all the specific standards in the sector including the provisions of the “Rules of the Protection Authority for loyalty programmes” of 24 February 2005 and the “Guidelines on personal data processing for on-line profiling” of 19 March 2015.
In accordance with the “Guidelines on promotional activities and anti-spam” of 4 July 2013, we point out that any consent you provide for sending commercial, promotional and marketing communications using automated instruments also extends to traditional contact methods.
The data you provide will be processed mainly using IT tools under the authority of the Data Controller, by persons specifically appointed, authorised and trained in the processing. We hereby inform you that suitable security measures are observed also pursuant to articles 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or improper uses and unauthorised accesses.
4. Compulsory or optional nature of the consent for conferment of data, the consequences of any refusal and the legal basis of the processing
Know that for the purposes referred to in sections (1), (2), (5) and (6) of the previous Art. 3, the provision of your personal data is compulsory since, failing that, you will not be able to use the Website Services on the Website.
For the purposes referred to in section (4) of the previous Article 3, the provision of your personal data is compulsory since, failing that, we will not be able to activate the product warranty.
On the other hand, providing your personal data is not compulsory but optional for the purposes pursuant to section (3) of Art. 3 above. Failure to provide the data for marketing purposes will not allow us to send you promotional messages, offers and reserved discounts (we may only send the newsletter with information related to news and events without any marketing purposes or attempted sales tactics).
Please remember that, in any case and at any time, you may ask the Data Controller to delete your data by sending a mere notice, without any particular formal procedure, to the addresses indicated in Art. 1 above.
With reference to the purposes referred to in sections (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) of the previous Art. 3, the legal basis of the processing is the execution of the services provided through the Website and requested by you (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the Privacy Regulation); instead, with reference to the purposes referred to in section (3) of the previous Art. 3, the legal basis of the processing is your possible freely expressed consent (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a of the Privacy Regulation).
5. To whom and in what environment we can transmit your data
Your data may be communicated, within the EU and in full observance of the provisions of the Privacy Code and the Privacy Regulation, to the following subjects:
(I) the tax authorities and/or other public authorities, where this is required by the law or upon their request;
(II) the structures, subjects and external companies the Data Controller uses to carry out connected instrumental operations or operations consequential to the execution of Website services – including the cloud computing archival service – for sending the Newsletter.
6. Your rights
Remember that at any time you may exercise your rights pursuant to Article 15 and following of the Privacy Regulation, by sending a written communication to the contact details of the Data Controller and/or the DPO, mentioned in the preceding Art. 1 and, consequently, obtain:
• confirmation of whether or not your personal data exists with indication of the related origin, verify their correctness or request their update, correction or integration;
• access, correction, deletion of the data or limitation of the processing;
• cancellation, transformation to anonymous form or blocking of any data processed in violation of the law.
You may also oppose to the processing of the data that concerns you. With reference to the Newsletter, we hereby point out that your right to request termination of the processing carried out through automated contact methods also extends to traditional methods. Moreover, you maintain the option to exercise this right only in part, namely requesting the interruption, for example, of the sending of promotional communications carried out by means of one or some of the contact instruments for which you gave consent.
The aforementioned rights may be exercised with a request addressed without any formalities, also through a designated person, by means of a request to be sent directly to the Data Controller, by sending a written communication to the addresses of Neuncinetru referred to in section 2) or to the Data Protection Officer at
7. Duration of processing
Without prejudice to legal obligations, the personal data will be stored for a determined period of time based on criteria founded on the nature of the services provided. It should be noted that the data retained for marketing purposes will be kept and usable until the data subject requests its deletion (or exclusion from the service), exercising the rights permitted by current legislation.
The data provided for the activation of the extended warranty will be kept until the end of the period of validity of the same, therefore irreversibly anonymised without prejudice to specific regulatory obligations or the exercise of the right of defence of the Data Controller.
8. Security measures
Through the Website, your data is processed in observance of the applicable law and adequate security measures are used in observance of the prevailing regulation, also pursuant to Articles 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation.
On this issue, among other things, we confirm the implementation of appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorised access, theft, disclosure, modification or unauthorised destruction of your data.
9. Changes to the Privacy Advisory
The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy In this case, you will be promptly informed thereof when you use the Website again.

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Contact Data
Phone: +40 735 705 507
Program: 09:00 – 17:00 (Mon - Fri)
Address: 284 Mamaia Boulevard
Constanța, Constanța county, 900552